Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy New Year!!

First of all, I did not realize how long it had been since I have blogged!! YIKES! - I've missed it.  
Anyway I am sure that most of you think I have lost it a bit to be posting in August and titling the blog "Happy New Year!!", but there are many of my teacher friends out there who totally get it.  This time of the year brings a new school year and to us teachers it is a fresh start.  Just like when December 31 rolls around we all begin to make resolutions-- most of them consist of starting something new or becoming someone different.  For teachers we get that opportunity twice a year the normal "New Year" resolution and then our school year resolution.  I cannot speak for everyone out there, but most teachers begin planning for the next school year in May when the previous has ended.  And most of us teachers will begin to plan by saying -- Next year I am doing that different-- or maybe it is just me that begins that way.  This year I get the privilege to teach 19 (as of now) precious second graders- and I could not be more excited.  You see I don't see my "job" as just a job-- I look at it like an opportunity-- an opportunity to reach out to each and every one of my students and hopefully leave a lasting impact on these young lives.  
Last year I got all the background information and more on each and every one of my students before I had even laid eyes on them.  I wanted to know what to expect when my students came into my classroom day 1.  However, what I learned was some of those students never showed me the behavior or did totally the opposite of what I had expected them to do.  So this year I didn’t run to all of my students previous year teachers and develop a list of expectations on each and every student.  This year I want to develop my on expectations of my students.  Sure—I may regret this later, but this year I wanted to do things different. 
I enjoy seeing all the positive posts filtering through social media about teachers and how they need to approach the school year.  I read those and take those to heart.  Teachers – to me- should be unwavering in their love and compassion shown to all students.  No matter the situation all students should be given the opportunity to succeed and this year, I hope to provide each student with the tools to be a success.  Now whether all students embrace this opportunity or whether I succeed in doing this is another story.  But this year I want all of the students entering into room 116 to feel successful in their own way.  I hope to provide exactly what each student needs. 
As summer comes to a close tonight, I am so nervous and excited to get back into the classroom, but on the other hand I am extremely sad to be leaving my best buddy everyday!  Finn and I have really enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in and just being goofy with each other.  I know he is in good hands when I am away, but man it sure is tough!!

So as you count your blessings and say your prayers tonight please say an extra one for me and all the teachers out there as we fall back into our routines.  I am just as nervous and excited this year as I was last year!! No matter the time of the year, resolutions can be made—what’s yours? -- Evan