Monday, September 8, 2014

Dear Gent....

   As I begin to write this, I can't help but laugh a little because it feels odd to be the one offering advice when for so long the rolls have been reversed.  This week our family will grow once more, but for the first time you will be a mother.  I've considered you a mother for the last nine months as you've been growing precious Gennings, but this week it will all become real.

   I can imagine that you are nervous and excited all at the same time and since I know you all too well I'm sure you've imagined this week and the day of Gennings birth a million times.  You've probably packed his bag and then taken things out or added things and have repacked it half a dozen times by now.  You've most likely gone through  all the many things that could go wrong and smiled to yourself imagining all the things that will go right.  I know you've sat in his room and prayed for the doctors, nurses, Garrett and Gennings and haven't paused to include yourself in the prayer.  You've made sure that each and everything is in place and will be perfect for Gennings arrival and at some point have stopped for a brief moment and taken a small amount of time to rest and do something special for yourself.

   I don't have much advice to offer because I know you will be a beautiful and wonderful Mother, but what I do have to say is from my own experience.  Enjoy each moment and don't forget to take pictures.  Allow others to dote over you, clean, cook and love on you.  ASK for help-- even if it is for 30 minutes while you shower.  Soak each second and each moment in.  Enjoy and savor the intimate moments with your son-- even when you are so tired it hurts to stand, your stomach is growling because you can't remember the last time you've eaten and you may smell bad because you didn't ask someone to sit with Gennings while you showered that day-- it will pass all too soon and he won't need you in those moments anymore.  Be sure to document all his "firsts" and seconds and thirds because I promise you will forget.  And when Garrett offers to change a diaper or stay up all night with your crying little one-- LET HIM.  Gennings won't love you any less for it.  Parent the way YOU think is best for your child because you and Garrett will know him best.  Take pictures and videos every moment that you get-- because those precious memories will fade.

   You are an exceptional individual with a huge heart.  I've seen how you love on Finn and I know Gennings is extremely blessed that God chose you as his Mommy.  I won't leave your side and I promise to love Gennings the way you've loved my precious little one.  I hope Gennings has your smile, faith, determination and heart-- because those are a few of my favorite things about you.
                                                  See you soon-- hugs and kisses XOXO- Aunt Evie