Monday, July 21, 2014


As a mother, daughter, sister and wife, I believe in the utmost importance of a support system.  A support system that no MATTER the circumstance, no matter the fight, no matter the problem (that you may have caused) or no matter the time of day or night—someone is there to listen, to defend you, to tell you when you are wrong, but to promise to love you and carry you through.  That is what I now find in my sister and my mother.  Have I always wanted their support, their love or their critiques? NO—NO WAY!! But as I grow as a person, as an adult – I love to hear their opinions on many subject matters.  Gentry (my older sister), my Mom and I have an ongoing “group text”. 

  I know this sounds crazy and immature, but we love it.  We have a problem- group text- we have a question – group text- a concern- group text—and I am sure you get my gist.  It’s a lifeline.  Most of the time the responses are instant and sometimes they are exactly what we do not want to hear, but what we (I) need to hear.  Our relationship over the past year has blossomed into the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.  This isn’t to say that I don’t like to assert my independence and of course want to “show” my support system that I’ve got this (this happens often and most of the time I am brought back to reality very quick) —but someday—when I need a different type of support (from my husband whose support and opinion I value everyday)– I lean on these “group messages”.  Lately the messages have been about running, babies and faith.  Gentry is expecting a baby boy in September and we talk about the LOVE, joy, fears, birth experience and all that comes with the glorious GIFT of a child and Finn's most recent adventures and funny stories.  These memories, these talks, these moments where sometimes we get messages that make us LAUGH out loud – are something that we will absolutely cherish forever.  Of course these messages can’t replace a phone call (I am sure we will experiment with face time and 3- way calls once baby Gennings arrives) or a face to face visit, but it sure feels good to know that sending a few words will result in a flood of support and thoughts coming our way in just a few seconds – and sometimes that is all we need.  A lifeline of three people who are all mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and FRIENDS—who know each other—each other’s flaws, faults and strengths—and who rely upon each other for support.  I hope you have someone- anyone who can provide you with a “lifeline” if it is just to tell you that your outfit or your hair style totally kicks butt or that it totally makes your butt look too big—hehe—because that support is sometimes all that’s needed.  Xoxo—Evan

Friday, July 11, 2014


We've been home for several days from our 3 night adventure at the Spring River. As expected we had a blast.  After sun burns, lost sunglasses, helping overturned canoer's and two full days floating on the river I am exhausted and ecstatic to be home with Finn!! He has laughed and giggled and told me all about his time spent with Annie, Popeye and Pete.  Finn and I have extremely enjoyed our time home together this summer by being lazy and making play dates with new friends.  Patrick and I were discussing yesterday how fast summer is passing us by.  I got a huge lump in my throat and a sour feeling in my stomach, even though I absolutely LOVE my job, it is extremely hard to leave Finn everyday.  So we will make the most out of our short few weeks we have left of summer break.  I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th.--
xoxo- Evan