Monday, December 29, 2014

Cheers to 3 Years!!

Dear Patrick,

On our anniversary I am reflecting back on our lives just 3 short years ago.  How extremely nervous we were and afraid of what was to come.  The unknowing of how to survive as newlyweds, as “one”.  But my oh my look at us now-- sure 3 years doesn't seem long at all in the grand scheme of things, however it is it me!! 
We've grown so much and have defeated many obstacles in these short 3 years.  We have become parents, I have graduated college, started my teaching career, you've re-entered college for your graduate degree, and we haven't killed each other while being overwhelmingly stressed! hehe- total joke there guys!! But seriously THANK YOU for your strength, your compassion, your never yielding love that stretches far beyond what others see, and for being an AMAZING Daddy to our precious 2.5 year old.

Life is crazy.  Our life is crazy.  But I couldn't imagine going through this wild ride with anyone else.  We compliment each other in every way.  You keep me on my toes and when needed keep me grounded.  We have become each others rock and have continued to grow as best friends.  Our lives aren't perfect, our relationship isn't perfect, but it is perfect for me.  
In this next season, this next year, I only hope to continue to grow.  Grow in our beautiful, chaotic, marriage, grow as parents, and grow as individuals-- and I hope that never stops.  God has blessed us and continues to do so in more ways than we can even begin to see and I know we were truly made for each other.  
I'll love you always-  I fly so high when your around, that my feet don't touch the ground!! Cheers to 3 years JP and to many more to come-- I love you!!                           xoxo- Evan 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

'Tis the Season

    'Tis the Season.... A phrase we hear too often during this season and time of the year.  'Tis the Season to be what exactly?  Of course we know the song.... 'tis the season to be jolly..... By why just this season? This Christmas season.  To be honest with you, I need more "jolly" in my life around this time of the year. I get stressed with the gifts that will be given, the many events to attend, the many meals to be cooked, the hustle and bustle and the whole idea truly become overwhelming.  In my household we LOVE CHRISTMAS we begin putting up Christmas decorations and watching Christmas movies in October because we absolutely love the feeling we get during this season.  But for the past few years once December hits the giddy and child-like feeling of Christmas fades for me and the overwhelming pressure sets in.  

      However this year has been a little different.  Patrick and I have worked really well together to get things done and spend tons of fun family time together enjoying Christmas events.  Finn has REALLY grown to love Christmas and all that it is about.  The TRUE meaning and the real reason why it is "the season to be jolly".


      It has been amazing to tell Finn all about Jesus' birthday.  I'm not sure how much of this he has grasped, but he does point out every baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph that we see anywhere and everywhere we go.  And that makes my heart and soul smile.  So for this Christmas season I really do want to be jolly, but I want it to carry over into all seasons of my life.  Not just during Christmas.  I am sure Finn will be extremely jolly to see the "dinosaur robot the green one" that Santa leaves tomorrow night.  His Christmas wish will come true and I hope yours will too.                 
                                                                                  xoxo- Evan

Monday, September 8, 2014

Dear Gent....

   As I begin to write this, I can't help but laugh a little because it feels odd to be the one offering advice when for so long the rolls have been reversed.  This week our family will grow once more, but for the first time you will be a mother.  I've considered you a mother for the last nine months as you've been growing precious Gennings, but this week it will all become real.

   I can imagine that you are nervous and excited all at the same time and since I know you all too well I'm sure you've imagined this week and the day of Gennings birth a million times.  You've probably packed his bag and then taken things out or added things and have repacked it half a dozen times by now.  You've most likely gone through  all the many things that could go wrong and smiled to yourself imagining all the things that will go right.  I know you've sat in his room and prayed for the doctors, nurses, Garrett and Gennings and haven't paused to include yourself in the prayer.  You've made sure that each and everything is in place and will be perfect for Gennings arrival and at some point have stopped for a brief moment and taken a small amount of time to rest and do something special for yourself.

   I don't have much advice to offer because I know you will be a beautiful and wonderful Mother, but what I do have to say is from my own experience.  Enjoy each moment and don't forget to take pictures.  Allow others to dote over you, clean, cook and love on you.  ASK for help-- even if it is for 30 minutes while you shower.  Soak each second and each moment in.  Enjoy and savor the intimate moments with your son-- even when you are so tired it hurts to stand, your stomach is growling because you can't remember the last time you've eaten and you may smell bad because you didn't ask someone to sit with Gennings while you showered that day-- it will pass all too soon and he won't need you in those moments anymore.  Be sure to document all his "firsts" and seconds and thirds because I promise you will forget.  And when Garrett offers to change a diaper or stay up all night with your crying little one-- LET HIM.  Gennings won't love you any less for it.  Parent the way YOU think is best for your child because you and Garrett will know him best.  Take pictures and videos every moment that you get-- because those precious memories will fade.

   You are an exceptional individual with a huge heart.  I've seen how you love on Finn and I know Gennings is extremely blessed that God chose you as his Mommy.  I won't leave your side and I promise to love Gennings the way you've loved my precious little one.  I hope Gennings has your smile, faith, determination and heart-- because those are a few of my favorite things about you.
                                                  See you soon-- hugs and kisses XOXO- Aunt Evie

Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy New Year!!

First of all, I did not realize how long it had been since I have blogged!! YIKES! - I've missed it.  
Anyway I am sure that most of you think I have lost it a bit to be posting in August and titling the blog "Happy New Year!!", but there are many of my teacher friends out there who totally get it.  This time of the year brings a new school year and to us teachers it is a fresh start.  Just like when December 31 rolls around we all begin to make resolutions-- most of them consist of starting something new or becoming someone different.  For teachers we get that opportunity twice a year the normal "New Year" resolution and then our school year resolution.  I cannot speak for everyone out there, but most teachers begin planning for the next school year in May when the previous has ended.  And most of us teachers will begin to plan by saying -- Next year I am doing that different-- or maybe it is just me that begins that way.  This year I get the privilege to teach 19 (as of now) precious second graders- and I could not be more excited.  You see I don't see my "job" as just a job-- I look at it like an opportunity-- an opportunity to reach out to each and every one of my students and hopefully leave a lasting impact on these young lives.  
Last year I got all the background information and more on each and every one of my students before I had even laid eyes on them.  I wanted to know what to expect when my students came into my classroom day 1.  However, what I learned was some of those students never showed me the behavior or did totally the opposite of what I had expected them to do.  So this year I didn’t run to all of my students previous year teachers and develop a list of expectations on each and every student.  This year I want to develop my on expectations of my students.  Sure—I may regret this later, but this year I wanted to do things different. 
I enjoy seeing all the positive posts filtering through social media about teachers and how they need to approach the school year.  I read those and take those to heart.  Teachers – to me- should be unwavering in their love and compassion shown to all students.  No matter the situation all students should be given the opportunity to succeed and this year, I hope to provide each student with the tools to be a success.  Now whether all students embrace this opportunity or whether I succeed in doing this is another story.  But this year I want all of the students entering into room 116 to feel successful in their own way.  I hope to provide exactly what each student needs. 
As summer comes to a close tonight, I am so nervous and excited to get back into the classroom, but on the other hand I am extremely sad to be leaving my best buddy everyday!  Finn and I have really enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in and just being goofy with each other.  I know he is in good hands when I am away, but man it sure is tough!!

So as you count your blessings and say your prayers tonight please say an extra one for me and all the teachers out there as we fall back into our routines.  I am just as nervous and excited this year as I was last year!! No matter the time of the year, resolutions can be made—what’s yours? -- Evan

Monday, July 21, 2014


As a mother, daughter, sister and wife, I believe in the utmost importance of a support system.  A support system that no MATTER the circumstance, no matter the fight, no matter the problem (that you may have caused) or no matter the time of day or night—someone is there to listen, to defend you, to tell you when you are wrong, but to promise to love you and carry you through.  That is what I now find in my sister and my mother.  Have I always wanted their support, their love or their critiques? NO—NO WAY!! But as I grow as a person, as an adult – I love to hear their opinions on many subject matters.  Gentry (my older sister), my Mom and I have an ongoing “group text”. 

  I know this sounds crazy and immature, but we love it.  We have a problem- group text- we have a question – group text- a concern- group text—and I am sure you get my gist.  It’s a lifeline.  Most of the time the responses are instant and sometimes they are exactly what we do not want to hear, but what we (I) need to hear.  Our relationship over the past year has blossomed into the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.  This isn’t to say that I don’t like to assert my independence and of course want to “show” my support system that I’ve got this (this happens often and most of the time I am brought back to reality very quick) —but someday—when I need a different type of support (from my husband whose support and opinion I value everyday)– I lean on these “group messages”.  Lately the messages have been about running, babies and faith.  Gentry is expecting a baby boy in September and we talk about the LOVE, joy, fears, birth experience and all that comes with the glorious GIFT of a child and Finn's most recent adventures and funny stories.  These memories, these talks, these moments where sometimes we get messages that make us LAUGH out loud – are something that we will absolutely cherish forever.  Of course these messages can’t replace a phone call (I am sure we will experiment with face time and 3- way calls once baby Gennings arrives) or a face to face visit, but it sure feels good to know that sending a few words will result in a flood of support and thoughts coming our way in just a few seconds – and sometimes that is all we need.  A lifeline of three people who are all mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and FRIENDS—who know each other—each other’s flaws, faults and strengths—and who rely upon each other for support.  I hope you have someone- anyone who can provide you with a “lifeline” if it is just to tell you that your outfit or your hair style totally kicks butt or that it totally makes your butt look too big—hehe—because that support is sometimes all that’s needed.  Xoxo—Evan

Friday, July 11, 2014


We've been home for several days from our 3 night adventure at the Spring River. As expected we had a blast.  After sun burns, lost sunglasses, helping overturned canoer's and two full days floating on the river I am exhausted and ecstatic to be home with Finn!! He has laughed and giggled and told me all about his time spent with Annie, Popeye and Pete.  Finn and I have extremely enjoyed our time home together this summer by being lazy and making play dates with new friends.  Patrick and I were discussing yesterday how fast summer is passing us by.  I got a huge lump in my throat and a sour feeling in my stomach, even though I absolutely LOVE my job, it is extremely hard to leave Finn everyday.  So we will make the most out of our short few weeks we have left of summer break.  I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th.--
xoxo- Evan

Sunday, June 29, 2014


As I sit down to write today, I am super excited and anxious like a child a few days before Christmas.  This week is the week I look forward to starting every year around January- the week where Patrick and I head to a river in North Arkansas with a few of my best friends in the entire world.  I am sure you are thinking-- a river?? Really?? But yes a river!! And the excitement does not come from just the fact we will be in the sun for two whole days doing nothing but floating down winding waters and enjoying some of the most beautiful scenery in Arkansas, but mostly comes from the time spent together.  I look forward to this week because of the quality time I get to spend with some of the most dear people to me.  Four summers ago we began this tradition.  Our first river trip was a complete success (as far as the river goes) and was also one of my very first and LAST "camping experiences".  After sleeping on a half way blown up air mattress, fighting mosquitoes in the scorching heat (Arkansas at the end of July is hot-- extremely HOT), eating burnt burgers because we forgot to keep a watchful eye on them and drinking HOT beverages because there was absolutely nowhere to buy ice in a 30 mile radius I swore I WOULD NEVER CAMP AGAIN!! And we haven't--- we load up each year and now head to cabins where we spend a couple of days -- this year we chose to spend 3 days and for that I am even more pumped.  We simply relax and enjoy each others company.  Now that 3 of my best friends live 2 plus hours away we do not get to see each other near as much as we would like to, so this trip is always a way to reconnect.  Courtney unfortunately can't make the trip this year because she will be soaking up the sun on a beach and I am sad she won't get to indulge with us, however Olivia and Myra will be there along with some other fabulous people.  Myra also planned this year to float on the 4th of July which will be an event in itself (be prepared for a follow up post with lots of pictures)-- so we will spend the holiday together being grateful we live in 'Merica, soaking up sun, having many laughs and making amazing memories (some at which we will continue to laugh at for years to come) and that is what I am looking forward to most.  Just simply being together -- being silly and not caring!! Of course I will miss spending the holiday with my little one, but sometimes as parents we need a few days to remember what having fun, being silly, and simply enjoying our friends and each other feels like.  And if all goes well that is exactly what we plan to do.  I hope you all have marvelous plans for the 4th!! Cheers-- and see you soon!!
xoxo- Evan 
P.S. -- enjoy some pictures from our past river adventures!! 

Friday, June 27, 2014


      As I sit in my living room with the noise of Toy Story 3 in the background, a bright blue eyed two year old in his high chair, a large chocolate lab at my feet and a happy husband in the next room, I can't help but to feel content- content with my life thus far.  Now, mind you, I have not always felt this way and it has been a bumpy ride over the past few years, but content is my word for my life at this moment.  I am happily married (2.5 years to be exact)  to a compassionate, hard loving, beautiful soul of a man, Patrick, a mother to a  smart, funny, precious blue eyed boy, Finn, and I am a 23 year old second grade school teacher at the same elementary school where I attended some 18 years ago.

My reflective thinking was triggered by Finn's birthday.  The little stinker pot pictured above turned 2 on June 15 - Father's Day - this year.  We celebrated of course with a transportation themed birthday party where friends and family attended to give their joy and love to Finn.  The day was perfect and I was one happy, content and extremely tired Momma- who swore I wouldn't do a birthday party again the following year- but everyone knows of course I will.  

As I think back over my life- our life- my husband, my child and my own- over the past two years I am overjoyed by how much we have grown-grown as individuals and as a family.  Just two years ago we entered this strange yet magical world of "parenting" and have never looked back.  

I would be lying if I said that the past two 2.5 years have been easy, enjoyable and pleasurable every day, so I am not going to lie.  Of course we have had all of those days that have stood out far among the rest and just normal happy days, but we have also had rough days.  Ones that I would like to put in a vault and lock away never to visit again.  However, those are the days that you grow from, learn from and most of all move on from as a better, smarter and more confident individual and family.  Those are also the days I am most grateful for.  So as I reflect back over these last couple of years I am proud of who I am and where I am, more proud of my husband for loving and supporting me as I attended college, had a baby, and started my new career (oh, and he also just got accepted to grad school!!!! woo-hoooo), and I am beyond blessed to have a baby boy who loves his Momma and makes me happy when skies are gray.  So content I am tonight- in this season of my life- when there are more good days than bad and many, many, many things to look forward to- and content I am hoping you find yourself too... 
All my love-