Monday, December 29, 2014

Cheers to 3 Years!!

Dear Patrick,

On our anniversary I am reflecting back on our lives just 3 short years ago.  How extremely nervous we were and afraid of what was to come.  The unknowing of how to survive as newlyweds, as “one”.  But my oh my look at us now-- sure 3 years doesn't seem long at all in the grand scheme of things, however it is it me!! 
We've grown so much and have defeated many obstacles in these short 3 years.  We have become parents, I have graduated college, started my teaching career, you've re-entered college for your graduate degree, and we haven't killed each other while being overwhelmingly stressed! hehe- total joke there guys!! But seriously THANK YOU for your strength, your compassion, your never yielding love that stretches far beyond what others see, and for being an AMAZING Daddy to our precious 2.5 year old.

Life is crazy.  Our life is crazy.  But I couldn't imagine going through this wild ride with anyone else.  We compliment each other in every way.  You keep me on my toes and when needed keep me grounded.  We have become each others rock and have continued to grow as best friends.  Our lives aren't perfect, our relationship isn't perfect, but it is perfect for me.  
In this next season, this next year, I only hope to continue to grow.  Grow in our beautiful, chaotic, marriage, grow as parents, and grow as individuals-- and I hope that never stops.  God has blessed us and continues to do so in more ways than we can even begin to see and I know we were truly made for each other.  
I'll love you always-  I fly so high when your around, that my feet don't touch the ground!! Cheers to 3 years JP and to many more to come-- I love you!!                           xoxo- Evan 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

'Tis the Season

    'Tis the Season.... A phrase we hear too often during this season and time of the year.  'Tis the Season to be what exactly?  Of course we know the song.... 'tis the season to be jolly..... By why just this season? This Christmas season.  To be honest with you, I need more "jolly" in my life around this time of the year. I get stressed with the gifts that will be given, the many events to attend, the many meals to be cooked, the hustle and bustle and the whole idea truly become overwhelming.  In my household we LOVE CHRISTMAS we begin putting up Christmas decorations and watching Christmas movies in October because we absolutely love the feeling we get during this season.  But for the past few years once December hits the giddy and child-like feeling of Christmas fades for me and the overwhelming pressure sets in.  

      However this year has been a little different.  Patrick and I have worked really well together to get things done and spend tons of fun family time together enjoying Christmas events.  Finn has REALLY grown to love Christmas and all that it is about.  The TRUE meaning and the real reason why it is "the season to be jolly".


      It has been amazing to tell Finn all about Jesus' birthday.  I'm not sure how much of this he has grasped, but he does point out every baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph that we see anywhere and everywhere we go.  And that makes my heart and soul smile.  So for this Christmas season I really do want to be jolly, but I want it to carry over into all seasons of my life.  Not just during Christmas.  I am sure Finn will be extremely jolly to see the "dinosaur robot the green one" that Santa leaves tomorrow night.  His Christmas wish will come true and I hope yours will too.                 
                                                                                  xoxo- Evan